Ubaya Medawela: Founder of U Strategy Initiative for Prevent Disasters through Greener

Radio Rinia
  • 2024-08-24-1700
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Mr. Ubaya Medawela, the esteemed Founder of the U Strategy Initiative for Preventing Disasters through Greenery. With an extensive background in environmental sustainability, nature conservation, and corporate compliance in health, safety, environment, and security, Mr. Medawela has become a leading voice in the global effort to combat environmental degradation and promote sustainable practices.

In this enlightening interview, Mr. Medawela will share his invaluable insights on the intersection of sustainability and disaster prevention. Drawing from his years of experience in Sri Lanka and beyond, he will discuss how strategic greenery initiatives can play a crucial role in mitigating natural disasters and fostering a healthier, more resilient environment.
The conversation will explore the challenges and opportunities in integrating sustainable practices into corporate and community initiatives, as well as the vital importance of preserving our natural ecosystems in the face of climate change.
Join us for this thought-provoking conversation to learn more about how creative environmental solutions might result in a more sustainable and secure future for all. Because Mr. Medawela is now in Sri Lanka, the interview will take place over WhatsApp. It will air on August 24, 2024, between 17 and 18 p.m (Sri Lankan time: 8:30 to 9:30 pm).

Under the moderation of:
Fatos Kryeziu, M.A.
Anjeza Llubani, Dott. Dott.mag
Radio Helsinki – Graz, Austria

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