18.03.23Womensday 08.03.2023
15.09.22yasmine on air with Famous singer Hany shaker
20.06.21Yasmin on air Radio Fro
20.02.2120/06/2021 Yasmine on Air
17.01.21Ein guten Start ins Jahr 2021 das wünsch ich Dir! Yasmine Elsalakawy, RadioFRO
11.01.21Ein guten Start ins Jahr 2021 das wünsch ich Dir! Yasmine Elsalakawy, RadioFRO
17.10.20Yasmine On Air 18_10_2020
19.09.20Yasmine Elsalakawy Yasmine on AIR Ein Einblick in die arabische Sprache
20.06.20Yasmine on air 18/10/2020
16.11.18Yasmine Elsalakawy interwies H.E. Dr. Mohamed Shaker El-Markabi Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, from UN IN Vienna and the Egyptian delegation
19.10.18Yasmine Elsalakawy
14.06.18Yasmine Elsalakawy in Program Yasmine on air full coverage Egyptian Forum
13.06.18Yasmine on air. Yasmine Elsalakawy, Egyptian Forum , Radiofro
15.04.18Yasmine Elsalakawy is again on air on radio fro. In her broadcast she reports from the "Art and literature in the face of extremism" Conference in Alexandria, in Arabic and a little in German and English
15.04.18Yasmine Elsalakawy is again on air on radio fro. In her broadcast she reports from the "Art and literature in the face of extremism" Conference in Alexandria, in Arabic and a little in German and English
28.02.18Yasmine Elsalakawy with Nashwa Hofy Yasmine on air Radio fro
17.01.18yasmine Elsalakwy interview with Dr Mustafa Elfiky in yasmine on air Radio fro
14.11.17Yasmine Elsalakawy with Famous singer Hany shaker Yasmine on air
14.09.17Yasmine Elsalakawy Yasmine on Air with Mohamed Elmasaeed
18.06.17Yasmine on Air Yasmine Elsalakawy interwiews famous writer Mohamed Elbasousi Radio Fro
20.05.17Yasmine on Air _ Yasmine Elsalakawy with Egyptian legend Omar Khayrat Radio Fro Austria interview with the Egyptian legend Omar Khairat Omar Khairat is a composer, pianist, conductor, and founder of the "Omar Khairat Group". Born in Alexandria, he was raised in a family of musicians. His uncle Abu Bakr Khairat, the great Egyptian composer and architect, established the Cairo Conservatoire and enriched Arab music with great symphonic pieces. Influenced by this legacy, Omar Khairat discovered new musical dimensions in the emotions and memories of the Egyptian and Arab personal
19.05.17Yasmine on Air Yasmine Elsalakawy with Ahmed Rageb Radio Fro
19.05.17Yasmine on Air Yasmine Elsalakawy with Ahmed Rageb Radio Fro
18.05.17Yasmine on air Yasmine Elsalakawy Radio Fro with Yasser Amar 21.5.2017
18.05.15Yasmine on Air - Mai 2015
11.12.14Yasmine on Air 10.12.2014
12.11.14Yasmine on air