Not / In The Room

Radio Grille
  • ORANGE 94.0 Logging 2017-11-15 18:00
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MUSIMIG - Selbsthistorisierung, In- und Exklusion

European Lesbian* Conference in Voices

Leo and Helga as your hosts will guide you through some moments from the EL*C, Vienna 6 – 8th October 2017

“Who is not in the Room?”
Happy Mwende Kinyili
Happy works for Mama Cash an organisation that “supports visionary women, girls and trans people who are fighting for their rights around the world”.
We hear a cutout from the speech at the Closing Panel of the EL*C.

Opening statements
Faika El-Nagashi, Ewa Dziedzic, Phyll Opoku-Gyimah
Voices from the Opening Reception of the EL*C.
Listen to the solo clip

“We are not backing down”
Chukwuike Obioma
Obioma was denied her visa for joining the conference in Vienna.
Hear cutouts from the video she sent to participate at the panel: “Lesbians organizing Worldwide”
Link of Afro Rainbow Austria that was mentioned in the speech

Digital activism and data on lesbians
Bess Hepworth, Ketsia Mutombo, Kika Fumero & Marta Fernandez, Natacha Rault

“We have a craving and we have the cure”
Seçin Tuncel (translation: Lina Revu)
panel: “Lesbians organizing Worldwide”

for more information on program and speakers visit the ELC* website

neues / new Album: Шaпκa (Schapka) – Wir sind Propaganda
published under the creative commons licence:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)


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