VENUSfrequency yogic edition 2018 march 9

  • VENUSfrequency yogic edition 2018 march 9
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 07 FEB 2025 | Sutra 4.27 | breathwork
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 31 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.26 | Kaivaliya | bamboo & oak
59:21 Min.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition JAN 24 2025 | Sutra 4.25 | the story of the salt doll
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 17 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.24 | mirror of the mind
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 10 JAN 2025 | Sutra 4.23 | new year | Mystery
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 20 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.22 | morning pages | renewal
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 13 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.21 | quantum enigma | Rauhnächte
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 06 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.20 | Rauhnächte | Eckhart Tolle
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 29 NOV 2024 | sutra 4.19 | Einstein & the Soul
1 Std. 00 Sek.
VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 22 NOV 2024 | sutra 4.18 | consciousness

TOPICS of today…

·     India and Mumbai, are still on my mind,

·     Now that I brought up Kali Yuga, that too…

·     and I really feel its time to bring some asana thoughts back, its been a bit philosophical for some time …. Looking at the HOTYOGA practice this time, which I teach as well in a more lets say…limited and non bikramesqu edition.

ALL underlined by carfully curated world contemporary tunes by these amazing artists:

#eklipse #ccwhite #yagya @aukaimusic #whitehinterland @augustwl wilhelmsson @pinkmountaintops @brucecockburn1 #thewowz (is bringing full honkey tonk style into your yoga practic today, yeeeeehaw!!!) #michaleadippel aka #ada @adaniandwolf @govindaadventures #gabrielleaapri

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.“ MARK TWAIN


you are listening to VENUSfrequency, living and sharing a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & energyWORKERlifestyle,

… in support of a more mindful and healthier world

and this is annemarie, your current, present moment and in the NOW, CHOICE of resident YOGI, lets

·     beautifully,

·     intentionally,

·     mindfully,

·     organically and

·     meaningfully

spend some of this precious time in this strange Kali YUGA together in this material world, we all miraculously have found ourselves in by either choice, random complete accident, Karma or who knows what and why…. Either way I am so grateful for this crazy experience of human life. #Iamblessed

and this human life and material world experience has me here at the studios of Radio Orange in Vienna sipping a cold pressed juice of kale, apple, ginger, romaine, spinach, cucumber, celery, parsley and lemon, yummy that’s all I can say… I hope you nourish yourself equally well.

Because, as Hippocrates, one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine already said quite some time ago,

“our food should be our medicine and

our medicine should be our food”



SO, don’t let the frentic nature of the world invade your thoughts and take you away from the now and from our time together, take on this venusFREQUENCY journey that makes my soul happy,

I truly hope yours too.

Spotify holds all my private playlists with exact replica’s of music lineups and do find archived shows under venusfrequency’s facebook page, website and Instagram, venusfrequency that is…  LIKE, FOLLOW, comment, stay involved, let me know you are there, I love hearing from you, it adds that very special ingredient called purpose”

TUNE in LIVE every 2nd and 4th Friday via www.o like the letter o or in Vienna via FM 94.0 or relisten via the venusfrequecy social media and website links.

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