Who profits from brutal and murderous Pushbacks?

VON UNTEN im Gespräch
  • 23_06_20_VUiG
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Anlässlich des World Refugee Days am 20. Juni hört ihr einen Podcast von unserem Kooperationsradio Radio Mytilini auf Lesvos. Es geht um die brutalen und mörderischen Pushbacks an den Außengrenzen der EU und wer davon finanziell profitiert. Die Menschen die solche Pushbacks durchführen werden dafür bezahlt, wo das Geld herkommt erfahrt ihr in dieser Sendung.

Der Podcast ist auf Englisch.


Original description of the show by Radio VC Mytilene

A lot has been said about the terrible and daily practice of pushbacks. But how is it funded? And what does that say about the general funding decisions of the European Union? In this broadcast we try to provide an overview on how your tax money flows from member states, to the European Commission into the pockets of corporations, programs and police or military forces that either benefit or perpetrate from systemic violations of human rights.

Quoted Sources:

Mitsotakis denial quote:

MSF press statement regarding the interrupted pushback:

MSF written statement regarding the situation: https://www.msf.org/people-found-handcuffed-and-injured-aegean-island-lesvos-greece

Investigation of OLAF into the conduct of Frontex:

Report on the European Union’s current budgetary cycle ( 2021 -2027)

At what cost?

All music under Creative Common’s licence. The following tracks or parts thereof where used:

Ana Bogner – Interspace In Both Ways
Gregor Quendel – Harmonic – VI – I & Harmonic – III
Cryptic scenery – Ephemeral

To stay updated on what’s going on with regards to pushbacks follow Legal Centre Lesbos on twitter: https://twitter.com/lesboslegal?lang=el



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