Gizem Gerdan, Kulturhaus Brotfabrik & Ula Schneider, SOHO studios

  • Gizem Gerdan, Kulturhaus Brotfabrik & Ula Schneider, SOHO studios.
59:59 Min.
Ženergija celebrate 20 years & 2 years on Radio Orange- LIVE
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Ivana Marjanović, curator and author
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Sara Hassan, writer, moderator, and keynote speaker
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Marcela Torres Heredia, researcher, activist
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Sanja Tropp Frühwald, artistic director, choreographer
59:59 Min.
Marija Šabanović, photo artist
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MOVING VOICES, audio collage Ženergija PresenD-Arts
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Lisa Mai, dotdotdot & Anna Leon, Tanzquartier Wien
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Rey Joichl, Brunnenpassage & Erhan Althan, Neuer Wiener Diwan
1 Std. 00 Sek.
Tahereh Nourani, composer and sound artist & Krysztina Winkel, Wiener Staatsoper

In the New Year 2024, I continue to in Ženergija within PresenD-Arts to bring together the voices of important people who are acting now. We are talking about cultural spaces where art and the culture of everyone are created for everyone and where we create ideas that serve the neighborhood. That is why there must be Kulturhaus Brotfabrik and SOHO studios in Vienna.

Guests: Gizem Gerdan, Kulturhaus Brotfabrik & Ula Schneider, SOHO studios.

Gizem Gerdan has a background in sociology and social and cultural anthropology with a focus on migration and ethnic studies. She is trained as an adult education trainer and has been working in community arts, community work, and anti-discrimination awareness for several years.
In her work, she is most concerned with making the world a more just place and is driven by her conviction that the social world has been created by humans and can be changed by humans.
At Kulturhaus Brotfabrik since 2020, she’s responsible for community outreach and management, project development and funding, and coordination of international projects. 

Ula Schneider, *in Vienna, grew up in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., and lives and works in Vienna. After studying the history of art at the University of Vienna, she worked as a freelance artist in Germany. 1999, she founded and implemented an ongoing urban art project “SOHO in Ottakring” in the “Brunnen” quarter, located in Vienna´s 16th district, Ottakring. Since 2013, SOHO in Ottakring is based in Sandleiten on the outskirts of Vienna-Ottakring. 2021, a permanent art space called “SOHO STUDIOS” ( ) was established. Main focus lies on process-oriented art projects in close connection with the fabric of an urban area. Since 2016, Ula Schneider is also part of the team of “Kreative Räume Wien GmbH” (  and since 2019 chairwoman of the association “Vienna Art School” (


 As part of the Fellowship program kültür gemma! x d D-Arts,

Ženergija expands the format to PresenD-Arts


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