Sinazongwe Community Radio: Impact of media on the youth in African communities

  • Sinazongwe Community Radio: Impact of media on the youth in African communities

The broadcast has a look at the contents of mass media like TV, radios and magazines and how they affect traditional music, the common dresscode and if they cause a loss of culture in rural areas like Sinazongwe, Zambia.
The studio discussion includes different positions to the current and controversial issue.

Produced within a radio workshop of the tonga.onair development project at the Sinazongwe Community Radio Station in Sinazongwe, Zambia.

Produced by:
Seldom Nemba, Kelvin Skarima, Clever Makondo, Wisdom J. Kashoti, Ms. Mundawa, Francis Kasembula.

More information about the tonga.onair development project:

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