Verein für aktive Gedenk- und Erinnerungskultur APC

Alpine Peace Crossing (APC) is an association for active memorial and remembrance culture that commemorates the fleeing of thousands of Jews across the Austrian Alps in 1947.
In the summer of 1947, thousands of Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe crossed the Krimml Tauern Pass on an exhausting 15-hour journey to reach Palestine via Italy.

To commemorate these events over 60 years ago, Salzburg-born Ernst Löschner launched the Alpine Peace Crossing initiative in 2007, dedicated to all refugees worldwide.

Since then, the association APC organizes once a year a commemorative hike on the way, the Jews went at that time, over the Krimmler Tauern to Kasern in South Tyrol.

In addition the association publishes a magazine once a year since 2020 under the name "Alpendistel. Magazin für antifaschistische Gedenkkultur" (Magazine for anti-fascist commemorative culture).

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