Radiofabrik Workshopproduction: Akademisches Gymnasium – Great Britain/England

Radiofabrik – Workshop-Productions
  • 2018_05_28_Akad_EnglischeSendung
52:50 Min.
Bunte Sendung des MPG St. Rupert
25:48 Min.
Die dunkle Seite Hollywoods (Schulradiotag 2024)
18:24 Min.
Starttage im MORG Grödig Teil 2
25:47 Min.
Starttage im MORG Grödig Teil 1
25:05 Min.
Musik: live und von der Platte aus 6 Jahrzehnten
19:15 Min.
Du bist AKreativ - Einblick in Kreativberufe Tag 3
33:45 Min.
Du bist AKreativ - Einblick in Kreativberufe Tag 2
11:45 Min.
Du bist AKreativ - Einblick in Kreativberufe Tag 1
32:07 Min.
Lehrpersonen machen Radio: Flachwitze - Wir spielen ein Spiel - Fun Fact Quiz
33:09 Min.
Städtequiz - Hörspiel - KI vs Lehrer - Teachers' Talk

The pupils from „Akademisches Gymnasium“ went to England because of a student exchange program. Instead of writing an essay – or worse, forgetting about their experiences – they produced a radio show about their time in England. With this show they will have lasting memories from their trip.

The show answers questions about student exchanges and the differences between the school system in Austria and England. They talk about their time with their host families, about all the fun experiences they had and also about their – sometimes adrenalin-pumping – activities.
The listeners can test their knowledge about England and its history. They invited the teacher who went to the trip with them to the radio studio and interviewed him. One group also wrote a travel diary, which they are reading on the show.

Have fun listening!


0 Kommentare

  1. Dear students,
    Congrats to your fantastic show! I very much enjoyed listening to each and everyone’s contribution. It is incredible to see how much you have all developed over the past years. Very impressive indeed!

  2. Dear all,
    Well done indeed, you deserve to be proud of your achievement. May your future efforts be equally successful and rewarding.

  3. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt von der Professionalität mit der die Sendung gemacht wurde, sowohl von Seiten des Radiofabrik-Teams als auch der Schüler der 4e des Akadgym. Keep on the good work.


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