How to protect the Alps with your behavior! // The speciAlps2 Code of Conduct

Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast
  • How to protect the Alps with your behavior! // The speciAlps2 Code of Conduct
25:51 min.
«Let people do everything they can by themselves» – Interview with Marjeta Čič
30:00 min.
Renforcer les réseaux pastoraux dans les Alpes
23:03 min.
Young demands for a good life in the Alps | "Alpine Compass"
29:45 min.
«Die allermeisten Leute haben ja Lust auf Zukunft» - Bea Albermann im Gespräch
29:44 min.
En passant par la montagne | Via Alpina Youth
27:46 min.
Nach der Flut: Wie Biosphärenparks mit Klimarisiken umgehen
14:05 min.
Should I stay or should I go? Young people and quality of life in the Alps | CYC podcast
29:59 min.
Visitor guidance and the Alpine Convention | speciAlps podcast
26:26 min.
The urban exodus and the climate
24:10 min.
Quando il tanto diventa troppo? Capacità di carico nel turismo alpino | #4 della serie di speciAlps podcast

More and more people are attracted to the Alps as a recreational area. The pressure on nature is increasing, visitor guidance and a sensitive behavior during their stay is crucial for fauna, flora and people itself. How can a comic inspire to leave no trace behind? What happened in the Berchtesgaden National Park after a well-known influencer posted about the natural infinity pool at the Königsbach Falls? And how are influencers raising awareness against littering in nature? An audio trip through the Alps.

This podcast was produced in the frame of the Alpine-wide project speciAlps2, in which four pilot regions (Tiroler Lech Nature Park/AT, Kamnik-Savinja Alps/SL, Mountaineering village Balme/IT and Bad Reichenhall/DE) are testing measures to guide visitors. The project is supported by CIPRA International and the Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities. It is made possible by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).

You can find good practices for successful visitor guidance at and more information on the project at

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