Let’s talk about Science – Autoimmune Diseases

Let’s talk about Science
  • Let's talk about Science - Autoimmune Diseases
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The current episode of let’s talk about science is about Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease, often called the disease with a thousand faces, because of its various symptoms. Both, a young girl as a victim and various experts talk about experiences, promising research results and a possible ray of hope at the horizon of that incurable disease.

Multiple Sclerosis, often called the disease with a thousand faces is one of the worst autoimmune diseases. When a person suffers from Multiple Sclerosis or Autoimmune diseases in general, the whole immune-system turns crazy. Mistakenly it recognizes natural cells produced in the own body as dangerous invaders. In the case of MS certain parts of the brain and the spinal cord get inflamed, what involves various symptoms. Conny, a 20 years young student from Salzburg suffers from that disease that comes and goes in irregular intervals. In the Radio Show ‘Let’s talk about science’ Conny, her mother Astrid and various experts talk about the disease. This episode of LETS issues personal experiences from the victim as well as forward looking research results from award winning scientists in a language that every one can understand.

Cornelia Reiser (Multiple Sklerose Erkrankte)
Astrid Reiser (Mutter von Cornelia, Leiterin der Multiple Sklerose Selbshilfegruppe Salzburg)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Schwarzenbacher (Protein Engineering an der Uni Salzburg)
Sandra Pühringer (arbeitet im Forschungsteam von Robert Schwarzenbacher)
Dr. Josef Thalhammer (leitet an der Uni Salzburg den Schwerpunkt Biowissenschaft und Gesundheit)

Arrangement: Georg Pircher-Verdorfer, Radiofabrik
Concept: Radiofabrik, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft (Prof.in Dr.in Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Mag.a Christina Ortner)
Language: English
Notice: This program was produced with financial support of the European Union (6. Frameprogram, Science and Society). The European Union is not responsible for the contents of this program.

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