What is needed for climate-friendly travel in the Alps? // YOALIN discussion part 1

Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast
  • What is needed for climate-friendly travel in the Alps? // YOALIN discussion part 1
25:51 Min.
«Let people do everything they can by themselves» – Interview with Marjeta Čič
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Renforcer les réseaux pastoraux dans les Alpes
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Young demands for a good life in the Alps | "Alpine Compass"
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«Die allermeisten Leute haben ja Lust auf Zukunft» - Bea Albermann im Gespräch
29:44 Min.
En passant par la montagne | Via Alpina Youth
27:46 Min.
Nach der Flut: Wie Biosphärenparks mit Klimarisiken umgehen
14:05 Min.
Should I stay or should I go? Young people and quality of life in the Alps | CYC podcast
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Visitor guidance and the Alpine Convention | speciAlps podcast
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The urban exodus and the climate
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Quando il tanto diventa troppo? Capacità di carico nel turismo alpino | #4 della serie di speciAlps podcast

Traveling through the Alps by train in a climate-friendly way: Young adults made the case for more sustainable mobility at the online workshop „Youth Alpine Interrail“ (YOALIN) on December 9, 2020 at the AlpWeek Intermezzo. They discussed with representatives from politics how nature experiences can motivate people to do more to protect the climate and what political measures are needed.

YOALIN-travellers Luisa, Nicolas, Matevz, Natael and Laura took part in an online discussion with the following political representatives:
– Katharina Zwettler from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate
– Action, of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
– Blanka Bartol from the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
– Markus Becker, German federal ministry of environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety
– Marianna Elmi, Deputy Secretary General of the Alpine Convention

This podcast contains the first part of this discussion, hosted by Magdalena Christandl, one of the first YOALIN-Travellers.

More information: yoalin.org/

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