Freedom of thinking and expressing

Radio Unsichtbar
  • Freedom of thinking and expressing
57:03 min
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Zum Projekt "Fathomizing Memory"
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Widerstand gegen NS-Herrschaft und Faschismus: Kärntner Partisan_innen
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Über das Projekt "Fathomizing Memory"
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Talk with Dr. Miroslav Demajo - Part 1
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Teil 1: Die Funktion des Radios im Genozid in Ruanda Teil 2: Versuch einer Aufarbeitung für die Zukunft: Reconciliation Art Class

Interview with Ivana Marjanovic, curator of the exhibition « Exception / Contemporary art scene from Prishtine ». By Nino Jaeger.

Freedom of thinking and expressing
Interview from 29th February 2008 with Ivana Marjanovic, curator of the exhibition « Exception / Contemporary art scene from Prishtine ». By Nino Jaeger.

The exhibition « Exception / Contemporary art scene from Prishtine » at Kontekst Gallery in Belgrade (Serbia) was scheduled to open on 7th February 2008 (and to be on display until 15th February 2008). The curators were forced to close the exhibition just before the opening after an organized group of Serbian nationalist forces attacked the galery space and destroyed Dren Maliqi’s work « Face to Face ».
The exhibition is an important project by the young generation in Serbia who is willing to see, discuss and understand historical and current relations between Serbia and Kosova.
The curators insist on the right to present the project in Belgrade in the near future.

Nino Jaeger (Gestalter/in)
Ivana Marjanovic (Interviewgast)

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